1886 Drink Coca-Cola
1886 请喝可口可乐
1904 Delicious and Refreshing
1904 新鲜和美味 满意――就是可口可乐
1917 Three Million a day
1917 一天有三百万!(人次)
1922 Thirst Knows No Reason
1922 口渴没有季节
1925 Six Million a day
1925 真正的魅力
1927 Around the Corner from everywhere
1927 在任何一个角落
1929 The pause That Refreshes
1929 世界上最好的饮料
1932 Ice cold sunshine
1932 太阳下的冰凉
1938 The best friend thirst ever had
1938 口渴不需要其它
1939 Whoever you are,whatever you do,wherever you may be,when you think of refreshment,think of ice cold Coca-cola
1939 不管你是谁,不管你在做什么,不管你在哪里,当你需要提神,那么你就想一下冰镇的可口可乐
1942 The only thing like Coca-cola is Coca-cola itself
1944 Global high sign
1948 Where there’s Coke, there’s hospitality
1949 Coca-Cola along the highway to anywhere
1952 What you want is Coke
1956 Coca-Cola makes good thing taste better
1958 The cold, crisp taste of Coke
1957 Sing of Good Taste
1958 The cold, crisp taste of Coke
1959 Be really refreshed
1963 Thing go better with Coke
1969 It’s the Real thing
1975 Look up America
1976 Coke adds life
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