
2024-09-19 16:00:16 来源:彩诺艺卡服饰 作者:admin

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  1. missyoubaby是什么歌?


歌曲《Miss You Baby》

演唱: Lizzie West


What makes you think

That I don#39;t see

What makes you think

That I#39;ll be here when

You come home the man

Well I don#39;t think so

Think that I be gone

I gotta find me a man

That I can sing for in my songs

But I miss you baby

I miss you#39;re hands

I miss you baby

I miss you#39;re hands

What makes you think

That I don#39;t know

What makes you think

That like a cake

I won#39;t go

Well I know one thing

A song make you smile

That sure is something

I haven#39;t done in a long long while

But I miss you baby

I miss you#39;re hands

But I miss you baby

I miss you#39;re hands

Come on touch me baby

I#39;d we use to loss her hands

What makes you think

That I don#39;t know

What makes you think

That like a cake

I won#39;t go

Well I know one thing

A song make you smile

That sure is something

I haven#39;t done in a long long while

But I miss you baby

I miss you#39;re hands

But I miss you baby

I miss you#39;re hands

Come on touch me baby

I#39;d we use to loss her hands

God for been I tried

To remind him

How it feel

But I miss you baby

I miss you#39;re hands

I miss you baby

I miss you#39;re hands

Go on touch me baby

I#39;d we use to loss her hands

To hold me baby

Please don#39;t you leave this land

Come on

But I miss you baby

I miss you#39;re hands

I miss you baby

God I miss those hands

Good is touch me baby

I miss those hands

Please hold me baby

Don#39;t you leave this land


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