
2024-03-20 00:00:02 来源:彩诺艺卡服饰 作者:admin


  1. myreadhobby英语作文80词?


  My biggest hobby is reading.

  When brother borrowed HuiShu, I would beg him to let me see,. Is the elder brother is always in watching cartoon, just show me.

  Although I also love watching TV, but compared the two, I prefer to read a book, had to give up TV.

  A have free, I will take out a book from the shelf and read with relish, even go to the toilet, all want to take a book to see. Careless, but because the exam score, mother limits the my reading time, my in the mind very afflictive.

  I want to learn, strive for to get your full marks, win back their power to study.


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